Comedy of Ideology.

Tree of Life.

Comedy of Ideology is the leaves and flowers of The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of The Third Reich by George L. Mosse which is the seed and roots of the Kabbalah Tree of Life in order to spread the forgiveness of Adolf Hitler. The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of The Third Reich by George L. Mosse is the seed that germinates into Comedy of Ideology and which I am eternally grateful that George L. Mosse planted in the twentieth century.

I am indebted to George L. Mosse’s book in a fatal way. Comedy of Ideology is not possible without The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of The Third Reich by George L. Mosse. They are the leaves, branches, trunk and roots of the same Kabbalah Tree of Life. This is because The Crisis of German Ideology is primarily about the spirituality, religious and ideological nature of the Germanic Volk in the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries and the spiritual, religious and ideological beliefs of the Volk that led to the Holocaust. I have read several historical books about the two World Wars and one 1000 page book about the history or “statistics and examples” of the Holocaust and these books were useless for helping to forgive us Europeans etc. Regarding his book called (surprise surprise) The Holocaust, I will quote a statement of Martin Gilbert, which is what I learned from reading his 1000 page book.

“Statistics can dull the mind, and examples numb it.”

The Holocaust, by Martin Gilbert, page 419.

Historical books about the Holocaust will never help anybody, let alone us Europeans. Therefore, there is something about the spirituality, religious and ideological side of the Holocaust which is palatable, more acceptable and which allows us to deal with and to forgive the Holocaust and gives us Europeans hope. Because I read The Crisis of German Ideology, my own book was able to genuinely forgive Adolf Hitler using what I call fool proof comedy with work with it artwork, which is works of art of Adolf Hitler with fool proof double meaning puns and idioms. There are 60 comical artworks which you can view at the very end of my book. Here’s an example.


Therefore, because of the fool proof comical artworks, my book is similar to the spiritual, religious and ideological nature of the Holocaust but inverse to Nazi cartoon propaganda and you won’t find a single gory or gruesome “statistic or example” of the Holocaust or any historical mention of the Holocaust whatsoever in my book. My book is purely in order to lighten the Holocaust with vibrant colourful artworks and humour in order to forgive the Holocaust in order to help and save us Europeans etc. Therefore, what we can conclude is that as long as we deal with the spiritual, religious and ideological side of the Holocaust, then everything is alright and we can deal with it. However, if we only report the gory “statistics and examples etc”, we help no one at all. Also note there is not a single quote from The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of The Third Reich in my book, rather my book grows from George L. Mosse’s book like flowers of the Tree of Life. The Crisis of German Ideology is essential to my book, it is the roots and trunk of my book which is the leaves and flowers and without The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of The Third Reich my book would not work. My book goes further than The Crisis of German Ideology and it bridges the gap of the leap that George L. Mosse could not make into being friends with and forgiving Adolf Hitler. Regarding Adolf Hitler we do not have the options of a on / off switch, as in, racism / anti-racism or politically incorrect / politically correct, rather there is a medium of befriending Adolf Hitler yet changing him from a pagan or heathen, into a loyal admirer of the Abrahamic religions. Loyalty is not idolatry, however, you need an external object or an object external of your body to be loyal to and dictators are that idol, however, never worship a dictator.

The loyalty church has proven that only a finished dictatorship with to the death right and wrong loyalty works and that a dictator cannot err, as long as he is as loyal as Jesus Christ with altruistic CARE for his RACE before himself (Goddess / God) but never asks them for their what they expect of him (which is democracy). The forgiveness of everything is the finish, hence, only through the forgiveness of all unfortunate people, such as Adolf Hitler, Jefferey Dahmer and Jimmy Savile can we then get the head of state correct and finish an eternal dictatorship of everlasting world peace etc.


The meaning of this fool proof joke is that when a skill or trade has been mastered, it has been narrowed down to a fine art, therefore, in the fool proof joke, prehistoric Adolf Hitler is painting mammoths (which are the tangent) on a cave wall and this is a fool proof joke on the saying the art of something, which in this case is forgiveness, which is entirely what my book is all about.

With fool proof comedy.

Jefferey Dahmer says you need seasoning, as in, the graver the sin you forgive, the lighter sins seem which is relative, and this is a fool proof joke on the fact that human flesh needs seasoning with salt and pepper.

Jimmy Fixed It.

In this picture Jimmy Savile is dressed as a Victorian which was before the Offence Against the Persons Act of 1875 and the age of consent was 12 years old in England until then. Also, Jimmy Savile says fixed which is a fool proof joke on Jim’ll Fix it, Jimmy Savile’s 1980’s TV show. There are over 60 works of art and comedy in my book. The reason why forgiving people such as Jefferey Dahmer is the finish is that there is technically and literally nothing further, nothing more or nothing left. Liberal democracies such as the United States of America are totalitarian dictatorships, however, they do not finish. You may ask why forgive Jimmy Savile? The reason is that he who forgives everything is the finished dictator.

The Kabbalah Tree of Life has 10 sefirot, a left column, a central column, a right column, a top row, a middle row and a bottom row. The top row deals with intellect, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, the middle row deals with emotions and particularly Chesed or Hesed (kindness or love) on the right column and Giburah or Gevurah (strictness or punishment) on the left column are important and require balancing. For example, if you are too kind to your children you will spoil them, but if you are too strict to your children you will damage them. The bottom row deals with the urge to get things done which is Netzach on the right column and the perseverance to finish things on the left column which is Hod. The very bottom sefirah is Malchut which is our world. In more detail, the Tree of Life usually consists of 10 or 11 nodes symbolising different archetypes and 22 paths connecting the nodes. The nodes are often arranged into three columns to represent that they belong to a common category. In kabbalah, the nodes are called sefirot. They are usually represented as spheres and the paths are usually represented as lines. The nodes usually represent encompassing aspects of existence, God, or the human psyche. The paths usually represent the relationship between the concepts ascribed to the spheres or a symbolic description of the requirements to go from one sphere to another. The columns are usually symbolized as pillars. These usually represent different kinds of moral values, electric charges, or types of ceremonial magic. The traditional list of sefirot is:

1. Keter “Crown”

2. Chokhmah “Wisdom”

3. Binah “Understanding”

4. Hesed “Compassion”

5. Gevurah “Discernment”

6. Tifereth “Beauty”

7. Netzach “Endurance, Victory”

8. Hod “Splendour”

9. Yesod “Foundation”

10.Malkuth “Kingdom”

An eleventh sefirah, Da’at, appears in some ilanot at the intersection of the ṣinnoroth between nodes 2-4. The diagram is also used in Christian Kabbalah, Hermetic Qabalah, and Theosophy. The nodes are also associated with deities, angels, celestial bodies, moral values, single colors or combinations of them, and specific numbers. As an application of the Tree of Life of Kabbalah, consider that the governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom etc tell their citizens that an Oscar (which is racism because white people with a non-white partner are acting) is a hate crime, which it is isn’t, an Oscar is Giburah or Gevurah, which is strictness or severity on the left side of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, as well as comedy etc. However, what is actually going on in the United States of America and the United Kingdom etc is in and out interracial sex, in and out miscegenation and in and out interracial pornography, which are examples of Hesed crimes against the white race. Chesed or Hesed is kindness or love on the right side of the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Since the Holocaust which ended 6 million Jewish lives prematurely, the United States of America and the United Kingdom have overdosed on Hesed, therefore, Europeans and Americans are not right for not understanding the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which is Jewish. You have to balance the Tree of Life of Kabbalah.

Only racists destroy Hesed crimes.

There was never anything wrong with racism.

It was only Nazism.

Nazism was order and chaos in that the swastika was order and the Holocaust was chaos. However, the most important application of chimpanzee’s order and chaos is to balance Judaism and Nazism.


Chimpanzee’s order and chaos should allow us to pause, reflect, and consider the forgiveness of Adolf Hitler, Nazism and the Holocaust in a balanced way because as a result of the Holocaust there is an imbalance of order and chaos. Charity is not the solution. Cruel to be kind. Kabbalah’s tree of life has Giburah (judgement / severity) as well as Hesed (mercy / kindness). Balanced order and chaos. Since the Holocaust life has become priceless. Because the Nazis killed too much, there is a severe and extreme overreaction to the Holocaust which values human life more than elephant or rhinoceros lives for example, and this is why elephants and rhinoceros’s are on the verge of extinction. To save wildlife and the environment, poachers should be shot on sight, which would balance the problem. I once heard a 14 year old white girl say to me and my mother regarding my mother’s suggestion to kill a trapped fly in our car: “Don’t kill it!” This was an example of a girl who has received far too much Hesed and who therefore, has a lack of Giburah. Furthermore, because of social services or doctors’ or the government’s overreaction to the Holocaust, it was politically incorrect for me and my mother to discipline this 14 year old white girl with Giburah. Psychiatrists and social workers use far too much Hesed, because they denounce social corporal punishment for children, whether by civilians or police etc. Therefore, child discipline is political incorrectness. Pre-Holocaust, white children received Giburah and political incorrectness. In Africa it is impossible for a politically correct white father to discipline his white son. A father can only discipline his children if he is politically incorrect. Without politically incorrect upper classes and countries, there are no politically incorrect fathers. White children will only swot for politically incorrect upper classes and countries. Political correctness is not just anti-racism and it is destroying everything. African and all non-white men should not automatically be political correct, they should not seek Hesed and anti-racism from white people to attain in and out interracial sex and in and out miscegenation which are Hesed crimes, they should go for a balance of order and chaos which are Giburah and Hesed respectively and if they are worthy of their independence, they should execute poachers independently. Therefore, there is a balance between Giburah and Hesed and between order and chaos.

Urbanisation is order while forests are chaos.

There is an imbalance of order and chaos, therefore, we need less urbanisation, less development, even un-development (believe in un-development) and more infinitely random forests. We need to use chimpanzee’s law of ASAP (as simple as possible) and inverse progress. Wilderness is the only thing that is not affected by Bill Gates’ Microsoft software. Wildlife also gives us an example of balancing order and chaos, which since the Holocaust have been far too imbalanced concerning human rights and the value of human life. The value of human life since the Holocaust has become priceless, and this is evil. This means there is far too much order on planet earth. Concerning wildlife poaching and trafficking, such as elephant and rhino poaching, animal species, such as elephants and rhino are on the verge of extinction due to the ivory and bush meat trades. Hence, even though as of 2024 there are only 415,000 elephants left in the world, because of the Holocaust, human lives are deemed far more valuable than elephants’ lives. However, the reality is that because there are far too many humans, elephants’ lives actually have more value. I know native Africans well indeed and they kill the last herd of elephants in the universe over £20,000. This is an imbalance of value in order and chaos, and hence, the solution is to execute human poachers on sight, which would quickly eliminate wildlife poaching.

Giburah for Africans (elephant lives are more valuable than human lives).

This example of balancing value using order and chaos can be used for the morality of using force to control demographics, immigration, and migration etc. For an example of an imbalance of order and chaos, if the American liberal press is going to call President Trump a “Nazi” for using tear gas to create order at the US-Mexican border, they are literally directly killing elephants and other animals in Africa, because no one can use Giburah to defend elephants and rhinos never mind their borders or demographics etc.

Giburah for Africans (less political correctness means less elephants killed in Africa). Also, for example, if you execute poachers on sight, you should also be deport jihadis.

Giburah for Africans (executing poachers in Africa allows jihadis to be deported).

Chimpanzee’s order and chaos can be used by the church, military and government in combination with the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Order and chaos and Giburah and Hesed are two and never one. The swastika is the most ordered and symmetrical symbol in the universe; hence, amorphous is the diametrical opposite of the swastika. Not just order and symmetry are correct but nothing, chaos and the infinitely random are also correct and this is order and chaos which could be balanced. Therefore, order and chaos, chimpanzee’s ASAP (as simple as possible), inverse progress and amorphous are all chimpanzees’ thoughts in order to save planet earth, its animals, and its wildernesses, such as tropical Africa and the Amazon rainforest. Amorphous scribbles are animal tracks and hunting with animal tracks (which in one mean nothing (0/1 = 0) and infinitely random (1/0 = ∞) at the same time are the general efficiency of native Africans such as the Khoi khoi. British imperialism was regimental and somewhat ordered with uniforms, marching columns and military drum beating. In fact, all Europeans such as the Romans have throughout history been militaristically ordered and symmetrical with soldier uniforms, marching and military drum beating, however, the interior fascists and the Nazis of the twentieth century went far too far and over the top with order and symmetry to defeat the exterior Protestant empire. Therefore, there is an imbalance of order and chaos, in that there is far too much order in the world today. Non-white people have less order, for example, Hinduism has little order and symmetry, native Americans, and Africans such as the Khoi khoi also have little order and symmetry. It was the Mesopotamians such as the Jews who started order and symmetry with the invention of systemic phoneticism which is writing. There is nothing currently as ordered and symmetrical as a laptop, tablet, or smart phone for example. White men need to use the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life and balance Hesed and Giburah.

The swotstikas above also known as amorphous and crystalline. 40 million people died during the first world war and 75 million people died during the second world war and the Holocaust. The world wars and the Holocaust were a trauma and white governments therefore, have a universal and general phobia of Giburah. Phobias are a mental disorder and the white government’s phobia of Giburah has had many disastrous effects on the world because it means they can only use Hesed (the sefirah for mercy or kindness on the right side of the Kabbalah Tree of Life) and it means they can never use Giburah (the sefirah for severity or punishment on the left side of the Kabbalah Tree of Life). Their disorder can be cured by reading Comedy of Ideology which forgives Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust with science and fool proof comedy and art. Order and chaos need balancing and Giburah is in order, especially for Africans. The tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) are medicine for Europeans, particularly Protestant Europeans, in that the swotstikas are the sine and cosine of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s Cross, which are a target situated in Israel for Europeans to aim at through Rome and Roman Catholicism etc. General efficiency is not precise or detailed. General efficiency is as simple as explaining the symbols on a flag to aliens, uncontacted natives, and infants. General efficiency instantly gets straight to the point or priority which is the Holocaust. The Protestant empire didn’t know what it was doing for eternity. The Protestant empire is going to quickly carry out miscegenation for eternity because it is treason to the ancient Greco-Roman and Mesopotamian worlds. My father and I are chalk and cheese, in that my father worked on the conveyor belts in the Obuasi mine of Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Ltd for 15 years and he is the type of man who thinks that to have an efficiently operating mine was all that is required. However, I knew even as a child that this type of specific efficiency is actually inefficient, because the Holocaust caused the decolonisation of Africa and the end of apartheid, which totally destroyed Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Ltd and a lot more for white men, women and children in the first place. Therefore, what is the most important priority is that white governments must have general efficiency (which is Giburah and efficient discrimination) in order to efficiently attain, gain and retain such as Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Ltd or even to establish a relative equality empire in Europe for inverse Europeans with dual (in and out) citizenship in the first place (never mind specific efficiency, nuts, bolts and conveyor belts). Note that such as and for example are general efficiency, which is what I intend to nail and sort out so that you have nothing to worry about except your specific efficiency. What you need to understand is that an Oscar is efficient. It is efficient in that you may not get specifically Ashanti Goldfields Corporation Ltd back, but you might get something different. You might retain such as the Falkland Islands etc. It does not matter; you will get something because an Oscar is efficient. Politically, the last century since the Holocaust has been the most inefficient for Europeans. Sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology are specific efficiency, as in manufacturing, industry, production, and recycling, whereas general efficiency is Giburah and efficient discrimination etc. The North American military is inefficient in that Americans miss the bullseye or sweet spot by treating the symptoms of misogyny in such as Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan and this is because the President of the United States of America does not understand the Tree of Life and Giburah and therefore, he cannot precisely hit the bullseye or sweet spot (sine and cosine) like an arrow (hypotenuse) which is the Holocaust. Therefore, could you imagine general efficiency, which is Giburah and efficient discrimination combined with American specific efficiency, power, and military capabilities? Such a union would never treat the symptoms and would be efficient at hitting the correct bullseye or sweet spot (sine and cosine) like an arrow (hypotenuse) which is the Holocaust. An example of the application of general efficiency is such as the case of Malala Yousafzai who was shot in the head at age 17 by the misogynistic and monotheistic Pakistani Taliban for promoting female (Goddess) education in Pakistan.

On 9 October 2012, while on a bus in Swat District after taking an exam, Yousafzai and two other girls were shot by a Taliban gunman in an assassination attempt in retaliation for her activism; the gunman fled the scene. Yousafzai was hit in the head with a bullet and remained unconscious and in critical condition at the Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology, but her condition later improved enough for her to be transferred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, UK. The attempt on her life sparked an international outpouring of support for her. Deutsche Welle reported in January 2013 that she may have become “the most famous teenager in the world”. Weeks after the attempted murder, a group of 50 leading Muslim clerics in Pakistan issued a fatwā against those who tried to kill her. The Pakistani Taliban were internationally denounoced by governments, human rights organizations and feminist groups. The Pakistani Taliban officials responded to condemnation by further denouncing Yousafzai, indicating plans for a possible second assassination attempt, which they felt was justified as a religious obligation. Their statements resulted in further international condemnation.

The example of inefficiency here is that as reprisals for the 9/11 attacks, America and Britain inefficiently invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, the former being one of the most misogynistic monotheistic countries on earth (Afghans make their women wear the full burka) in 2001 AD and 2003 AD respectively. The Americans and British enforced on the Afghan and Iraqi people inefficient ideologiesof freedom, capitalism, and democracy.

In late 2001, the United States and its close allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban government. The invasion’s aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda, which had executed the September 11 attacks, and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban government from power. The United kingdom was a key ally of the United States, offering support for military action from the start of invasion preparations.

After the September 11 attacks, US President George W. Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda; bin Laden had already been wanted by the FBI since 1998. The Taliban declined to extradite him and ignored demands to shut down terrorist bases or extradite other suspected terrorists. The US launched Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001, with the United kingdom. The two were later joined by other forces, including the Northern Alliance. The US and its allies rapidly drove the Taliban from power by December 17, 2001, and built military bases near major cities across the country. Most al-Qaeda and Taliban members were not captured, but escaped to neighbouring Pakistan or retreated to rural or remote mountainous regions during the Battle of Tora Bora.

In 2021, while international forces were withdrawing from the country, the Taliban succeeded in overthrowing the Afghan government and re-establishing their rule across much of Afghanistan.

The fact that in 2021, while international forces were withdrawing from the country, the Taliban succeeded in overthrowing the Afghan government and re-establishing their rule across much of Afghanistan demonstrates that white governments are inefficient. The inefficiency is anti-racism . Anti-racist militaries conquered themselves. You have got to overcome and educate all misogynistic Muslim people with the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞), and relative equality (in and out) which are amorphous and crystalline respectively and which are primarily gender equality. How many lives were lost in Afghanistan? How much money was wasted in Afghanistan? This work of literature has taken one person 7 years to develop, and it is more efficient than governments. Similarly, the Taliban and the Muslims simply need educating about the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞), and relative equality (in and out) which are amorphous and crystalline respectively. However, we now have the swotstikas which are infinite forgiveness and with gender equality we can educate misogynistic monotheists such as Muslims without any need for force and never with any violence. This work of literature would not have been possible without intellectual freedom; however, the Americans are destroying an Oscar, which is the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞), and relative equality (in and out) and which are the symmetry of Jesus Christ’s Cross, and they encouraging inefficient anti-racism, and hence, people do not have intellectual freedom because they cannot be practice Goddess / God or race / self or be scientifically (not politically) correct. Considering an Oscar and how efficient it is, white men and women should drive into the swotstikas (amorphous and crystalline). Concerning what you have read above understand three things:

  1. It is fundamental that you can never inefficiently conquer a people mathematically, scientifically, religiously or philosophically through conquest, military invasion of their country, or through war, combat, violence, or force etc. You will only make things worse through such an action, like ISIS and the insurgency of the Iraq war etc.
  2. It is fundamental that you can only efficiently conquer a people peacefully with mathematics, science, religion and philosophy etc that you discover and develop in your own country.
  3. Because of point 2 understand that Comedy of Ideology, the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) which are the symmetry of Jesus Christ’s Cross are quite literally as efficient as a pill or a medication for the misogynistic Muslims, which efficiently conquers them in our own countries by proving the Goddess and relative equality, with no need for point 1, conquest, war, combat, violence or force etc.

The way to educate the Muslims is with the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) which are the symmetry of Jesus Christ’s Cross, with writing (which they invented) and not with ideology such as freedom, capitalism, and democracy, because these western values or political ideologies are valueless and mean nothing to Muslims, whereas the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) which are the symmetry of Jesus Christ’s Cross do matter to the Muslims – and certainly never by means of war, combat, violence, or force. Therefore, we can efficiently hit the bullseye or sweet spot (sine and cosine) with an arrow (hypotenuse). At least Jews and Muslims are debating about whether God is 1 or Goddess is 0 and God is ∞? To Rabbis I am a scientist and to scientists I am a Rabbi, the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) which are the symmetry of patibulum and simplex of Jesus Christ’s Cross are the medicine for world peace, but I had to forgive Adolf Hitler. Primarily, the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) are medicine for Europeans, in that they forgive Adolf Hitler and identify the racial, governmental and national sources of their illnesses, which are the Protestant Reformation, the unholy British Empire and the unholy and secular Protestant sciences etc. As a medicine or remedy, the tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) which are the symmetry of patibulum and simplex of Jesus Christ’s Cross, show Europeans the cure of their sicknesses, which is the Tree of Life and Giburah, with mathematical loyalty to the sine and cosine of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s Cross and Israel, through Rome and Roman Catholicism. The swotstikas are like a target for Europeans to patriotically aim at Judaism and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s Cross in Israel via Rome etc. The identification of the Europeans’ sickness is that they have overreacted to the Holocaust and have thus removed 100% of all forms of racism, patriotism, nationalism, chauvinism, imperialism and colonialism etc (which are Giburah (judgement or punishment) on the left side of the Tree of Life) from their governments, countries and societies etc, and hence, they have overdosed on Hesed which is mercy or kindness, on the right side of the Tree of Life. The cure to the Europeans’ illness is that like how iron and minerals are very beneficial for human beings, a little of anything goes a long way, and therefore, a little nationalism, a little Giburah or a little of an Oscar goes a long way. The tangent (0/1 = 0 and 1/0 = ∞) and relative directions (in and out) determine that Europeans need to be serious Europeans and they need to take being European seriously. Whether we call them amorphous and crystalline or monotheism’s mistake and relative directions or scribbles and orientation equality or tangent and sine and cosine etc, what the swotstikas demonstrate regarding drawing and painting, is that as soon as you make a mark or a scratch with a pen, pencil or brush, whether on paper, tablet, smart phone or canvas, you have drawn the patibulum and simplex or the symmetry of the calculus, or cartesian axes of Jesus Christ’s Cross and at the same time drawing is infinite or infinitely random. Consider the very point where your pen, pencil or brush makes a dot the interior or 0, 0, 0, 0 on the cartesian coordinate system, which is the symmetry of the patibulum and simplex of Jesus Christ’s Cross in infinite space, and as you venture forth and make a mark or scratch, you are coming out of nothing or the interior into infinity, the infinitely random and the exterior. You do not have to be Leonardo Da Vinci to draw something, even a symbol, a pattern, a design or a doodle is the symmetry of Jesus Christ’s Cross. Were you the first to draw that particular symbol? Watch out for first time your baby uses a pen, pencil or brush to draw amorphous, monotheism’s mistake, scribbles or the tangent because there can be nothing as virgin. Hence, you should date and keep your baby’s first scribbles. At their most simple levels, amorphous and crystalline are the symmetry of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s Cross. Although amorphous is anti-symmetry, it in one mean nothing (0/1 = 0) and infinitely random (1/0 = ∞) at the same time, which is the rise/run of the simplex and patibulum of Jesus Christ’s Cross and crystalline (in and out) is the symmetry of Jesus Christ’s Cross that is found throughout our existence, on subatomic, microscopic and macroscopic levels, as well as in art, science and technology, such as trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, physics and biology etc.
